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1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

India‟s unique combination of IT skills, its labour advantages, capital flow and pool
of ambitious, outward-looking companies is giving it a second, massive triple play
advantage across sectors – in manufacturing, services and agriculture.
Only recently have we begun to recognize the broader implications of the IT
revolution – that it is nothing less than a seismic shift in how the world economy
works and that India may be especially well placed to take advantage of it. But then,
economic power comes to countries in unexpected ways and at unexpected times,
and it is usually enabled by new technologies. When Europe began invading eastern
shores, the Asian empires were horrified – they had regarded them as little more
than impoverished barbarians. Europe‟s growth in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries was a result of technological advances in building large, multi-masted
ships that could sail in the rough, open seas. The rise of new navigation tools –better
maps, sextants and chronometers – also allowed explorers to chart out better sea
routes, giving Europe access to colonies, slaves, silk and gold.
The tiny island of Britain emerged as a major European power in the eighteenth
century with innovations in public finance and an embryonic stock market. These
institutions created richly funded, powerful companies that quickly dominated
global trade – our old acquaintance the East India Company was in fact the very
first „joint-stock‟ company of Britain. And of course, the technological prowess of
the Industrial Revolution enabled Britain and Europe to dominate world economic
growth for over a hundred years.
In this context, India has been fortunate even in its barriers. In the 1970s and 1980s,
IT was literally the only option for a start-up entrepreneur to begin a business
without political access or capital. A slow-growing economy also ended up
diverting much of its huge talent into a small but burgeoning IT sector, and these
firms got by on very little – a leased computer, a data line – over which they sold
Indian brainpower to the outside world. India thus literally stumbled on to services
growth, one that happens to be the emerging story for the international economy.

(a) Why is India uniquely placed to succeed at the present moment?

(b) What does "triple play advantage across sectors" refer to?

(c) How and why do you think Britain and Europe succeeded in
overcoming the Asian empires

(d) Why was IT an easy option for a start up entrepreneur in India?

(e) Give a suitable title to the passage. 

(f) Pick out the words from the passage which mean the opposite
of the following words given below:
i tiny - para 1
ii disabled - para 2
iii rich - para 3
iv calm - para 2
v unfortunate - para 4

(g) Write sentences using the following words from the passage:
i unique - para 1
ii unexpected - para 2
iii horrified - para 2
iv innovations - para 3
v entrepreneur - para 4

2. Here is a phone conversation. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

Receptionist: Good Morning, Willow Sports, ..…………..?
Harsh: Hello, this is Harsh Wadhwa calling from
Mumbai. Earlier this month I wrote to Mr. Tikku
about some new sports equipment we have
designed. He sent me an email suggesting I call to
make an appointment to meet him in Bengaluru.
…… ……………….
Receptionist: Yes Mr. Wadhwa, I‟ll connect you to Ms. Rini
Rebello, Mr. Tikku‟s secretary. She will help you
with the appointment.
Harsh: …………………………………..
Rini: ……………………….. When would you like to
come to Bengaluru?
Harsh: ………………………., but any time next week
would be good for me.
Rini: Fine we keep it for 12th of June.
Harsh: Thank you. That‟s great.

3. Read the following letter and write a suitable reply to it.
Dear Sirs,
We have received your consignment of Silky Blankets against our
order no. AK/1/231, dated 16th March, 2016.
We regret to inform you that we have received only 900 blankets
packed in nine cartons.
As we have to send off the bulk supply by the month end, kindly send
us the remaining part of our order i.e. 300 blankets as soon as
Yours sincerely

4. Write an essay in 250 to 300 words on any one of the following:

Different ways in which the internet can help students learn.
Are advances in science and technology making society happier?
Students no longer need to go to libraries.

5. If you were evaluated in a group discussion what are the factors that
you think the evaluator will assess you on.

6. A junior colleague who wants to take the third leave within a week
comes to the boss – you. Find out what his/her problem is and help
him/her without compromising on the interest of your

7. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Written versus oral communication
(b) An effective meeting
(c) Barriers to communication

8. Do as directed:
(a) Complete the sentences with words from the box. You don‟t need to use all the words.

i ……………she spoke very fast, I understood nearly
ii I couldn‟t read……………it was too dark.
iii The food wasn‟t very good, …….he ate everything.

iv The lesson finished early, ………………we went for a walk.
v …………..I received his letter I went round to see him.

(b) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:
i I am sure we ……………………(meet) our targets if we
……………………( maintain) our current level of sales.
ii If I …………(be) in your position,
I……………………(insist) on having more staff in the
iii ………………(meet) an old business colleague of mine
while I was travelling to Delhi for a conference.

(c) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:
i The bus moved up the dirk track and stirred …….the dust.
ii Ben fell……….his bicycle and broke his leg.
iii The jeep raced round the corner at 80km an hour.
"Hold………..!" the driver cried.
iv Mike wanted to leave the party at midnight. His friends
asked him to stay………... .
v The dog could not get at the thief because it was tied
…….the gate.

(d) Fill in the blanks with the noun or verb form of the given word.
Please make sure that the verb/noun is grammatically correct for
the context.
Examine - The history teacher told the class. "The final
………….will be in June. You will be ……..on all the
topics you studied this semester.
Permit - The teacher gave John …………… leave the class
early. Students are normally not …………… leave
early but John had a good reason.
Explain - Charlie didn‟t understand the teacher‟s ………….
about the laws of friction.

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