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HTML Basics Studies & Important description Part V


HTML Basics Description

4.   Lists
<ul> </ul>…….    Unordered List tag   (Unordered means not numbered).
      The list is indented, and you may nest lists to get levels of indentation.
      If the list is not bulleted then end each line with a <br />.
                  My first item <br />
                  My second item< br />
                  My third item< br />
                  My last item

<li>            ……     List Item tag
      If you want your list to have bullets, put <li> in front of each item.
      The line feed is inserted automatically before each <li>, so omit the <br />’s.
                  <li>My first item </li>
                  <li>My second item</li>
                  <li>My third item</li>
                  <li>My last item</li>
It is also possible to style the bullets in a list using
                 <ul style=”list-style-type:none”> and the <li>, </li>
The value of none in list-style-type will give no bullets.  Other possible values are disc, circle (the default) and square.

<ol>  </ol>            …        Ordered List tag (Numbered lists)
      Ordered lists are numbered sequentially. 
      Put an <li> before each item.  The numbers and new lines are automatic.
      Ordered lists may be nested, and you may mix ordered and ordered lists.

                  <li>My first item</li>
                  <li>My second item</li>
                  <li>My third item</li>
                  <li>My last item</li>

You may also specify how an ordered list is numbered/lettered using list-style-type.
For example,
                   <ol style=”list-style-type:upper-alpha”>
Will produce a list with items enumerated by A, B, C etc.

 This is discussed further in the CSS notes.

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