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SEARCHING-Internet technology

The Internet consists of millions of private/public/academic/business and government networks having local to global scope. It has billions of web pages on varied topics that may be accessed by you. Thus, if you are asked to surf the net for specific information relating to a topic, it may take years before you could find all the pages related topic you are looking for. How can you make this process faster? Well perhaps you require the service of a search engine on the Internet. Some of the popular search engines on the Internet are: Yahoo!, Google, Bing, and many more. These are the tools to help you locate the content that you are looking for.
A search engine can be defined as a tool to search diverse and disorganized sources of information available on the Internet. You can clearly visualize from this definition that a search engine has to use some automated programs that needs to continuously keep visiting the web pages about the content they have and organize the information about web pages in some format. Programs that continuously keep searching for information from web pages are called -spiders, robots, crawlers, wanderers and worms. Search engines finds, classifies and stores information about the contents of various websites on the Internet.
 Types of Search Engine
 Some of the basic categories of Search engines are :
 a. Primary Search Engines: Such search engines use web crawlers or spiders to traverse the web and scan websites for key words, phrases, to generate database of web pages having some indexing or classification. Google and Alta Vista are examples of primary search engines.
b. Web directory: Web directories organize information into categories and subcategories or directories. You can search a web directory for all those entries that contain a particular set of keywords. Directories differ from search engines in the way they organize information. Yahoo is an example of web directory.
c. Meta search engines: Such search engines pass your queries to many search engines and web directories and present summarized results to the users. Some of the examples of meta search engines are — Dogpile, Infind, Metacrawler, Metafind and Metasearch. You can refer to further readings for more details on various types of search engines. But how does search engine get able to do searching? 
A search engine performs, the following three actions:
1. Spidering or Web crawling
 2. Indexing
3. Searching
Spidering or Web crawling:  Spider or Web crawler is a computer program that browses the web pages of WWW in a systematic, automated manner. Search Engines use spider for getting up-to-date data on web sites. They are used to create a copy of the pages visited by them for later processing to create Index. These programs are also useful in validating HTML code to a particular standard like XHTML or checking or validating the hyperlinks.
Indexing:  Once, the spiders have completed the task of finding information about Web pages, the search engine must store the information in such way that you are able to use it. The search engine may provide some information relating to relevance of information may be in the form of Ranking. Thus, a search engine may store the keywords of a web page, number of times that word appeared on the page, the URL of the page. A weighting factor that gives more weightage in case a word is found at the top of the document. Each commercial search engine uses a different formula for assigning weight to the keywords in its index. This is one of the reasons that a search for the same word on different search engines will produce different results.
Since, the data that is to be stored for indexing is large, therefore, search engine may encode it. The Index is created with the sole purpose, that is, it allows you to find the information on the Internet quickly. In general, Index uses hashing (you will study this concept in the Data Structure course).
Searching:  When a user enters a query into a search engine, the engine examines its index andprovides a listing of best-matching web pages according to its ranking criteria. This short list, usually,have a short summary containing the title of the document and small part of the text. Most search engines support Boolean search. Some simple example of a search is given below: To find website which contains ―java tutorial‖, you may type Java tutorial in the search box of the browser. The search will look for keywords ―Java‖ AND ―Tutorial‖; the search expression will retrieve all those records where both the terms occur (Figure).
You may use other Boolean operators like OR and NOT in the searches. For example, if you are interested either in web pages having keyword ―Java‖ or they are tutorials then you may use search expression as: ―"Tutorials" OR "Java" (please refer to Figure).
Some other Boolean expressions are:
 FOLLOWED BY: One of the terms must be directly followed by the other.
NEAR : One of the terms must be within a specified number of words of the other.
Quotation Marks : The words between the quotation marks are treated as a phrase, and that phrase must be found within the document or file.
 Field search: Using ‗title', ‗in title:' or ‗all in title' etc.
Limiting search: Limiting by time, date or file type language or occurrences. Please note that different search engine provides these search forms using different syntax. You should refer to further studies for more details on this topic.
Let us now show you how you may be able to use search engines.    For the purpose of this unit, we have selected Google and Yahoo, however, you must do the similar exercise using Bing,, and many other search engines. 
There are many other search features provided by search engines. You must use various search engines and explore the facilities they provide.

 Some Searching Tips
Any Search engine allows you to perform either a broad search of everything on the Web or a narrow search limited specifically to images, video, news, or other specific search type. If you are interested in further narrowing your search results, try adding more words to your query Or search again using different terms. Following are some of the tips that may help you to formulate better search strings:
Choose words carefully: Use specific words to describe exactly what you are looking for. Make sure to watch for words with more than one meaning. In case word has more than one meaning then also include the context in which you are searching the information Try to use phrases instead of single word for pointed search.
You should perform multiple searches simultaneously
 Now let us discuss about some of the products provided by the search engine. Figure lists the products provided by Google and Yahoo:
Please note that many search engines provides the similar products. You must try several search engines from time to time as they keep updating their features.

 Check Your Progress 2
1.       What is a Search Engine? How does it work?
 Search engines are special sites on the Web that helps you to find information stored on other sites. There are differences in the ways various search engines work. But there are three basic steps which most search engine perform:
 a. Web Crawling              b. Indexing               c. Searching
a) Web Crawling : To find information on the hundreds of millions of Web pages that exist, a search engine employs special software robots, called spiders, to build lists of the words found on Web sites. Process of building list by spiders is called crawling.
b) Indexing : Once the list of information on Web pages is made, the search engine stores the information in a way that it can be searched on words and list related URLs.
c) Searching : Searching through the index involves a user building a query and submitting it through the search engine.

2.       What is searching? How efficiently you can search:
 Searching implies typing the required search term into the search field and pressing the Search button

a.       Tutorials of XML
First you simply type Tutorials of XML And then next time you type ―Tutorials of XML‖ The second search will be more accurate as it contained the exact phrase.

b.      Universities in India and USA
Universities and (India or USA).

c.       Universities is not in USA or Britain
Universities and (not( USA or Britain) OR + Universities - USA –Britain

d.      Cleaning process of gold, it should not give process related to cleaning of jewelr
Cleaning process of gold – cleaning process of Jewellery This will give list of web pages which has cleaning process of gold and not of Jewellery. Bing, Yahoo, Google, MSNSearch, Lycos, Webcrawler, Hotbot, Alta Vista, AOLSearch,, Allacademic.

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