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HTML Important Tags for easy Learning Part VI

HTML Important Tags for easy Learning Part VI

<A> </A>Anchor Tag
<B> </B>Content is shown as bold type
<BIG> </BIG>Content is shown in large type. BIG and SMALL can be nested (thus: <BIG><BIG>nested</BIG></BIG>) to further increase or decrease font size.
<BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE>Content is shown as an indented block; should be used only for long quotations. 
<BODY> </BODY>The body part of the HTML document. 
<BR>Force line break within paragraph. Note that "floating elements" such as images are separate from the paragraph. To start next line below any images etc., use <BR CLEAR="all">. The CLEAR attribute can take values "none", "right", "left", or "all" and is deprecated, but in fact still very useful. 
<CENTER> </CENTER>Content is centred on page (can include paragraphs etc). Note American spelling.
<DEL> </DEL>Used to indicate a deletion from a previous version of a document. Normally combined with INS (insert) which marks the new version. Rendered in strike-through font like <S>. Seenote on structural versus formatting elements. Example: insert this delete this.
<DIV> </DIV>A dummy element which contains block-level elements. It is used with style sheets.
<EM> </EM>Emphasis: text usually displayed in italics
<FONT> </FONT>Used to define characteristics of font, according to attributes e.g. SIZE, COLOR, FACE. SIZE sets size, 1-7 e.g. SIZE="5". COLOR sets colour of text e.g. <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"> makes text red. FACE e.g. FACE="Times".
NB: <FONT> is deprecated in favour of style sheets, but remains useful because it is safer with old browsers.
<HEAD> </HEAD>The head part of the HTML document. 
<H1> </H1>
<H2> </H2>
<H6> </H6>
Headings (levels 1-6, i.e. H3 is a subheading within a H2 subheading).
H1 - Larger in Size
H6 - Smaller in Size
<HR>Draw horizontal line across page; used to indicate break between sections. Attributes: WIDTH, e.g. WIDTH="50%" makes line half size of page; SIZE, e.g. SIZE="3" makes line 3 pixels thick
<I> </I>Italics.
<IMG>Image. Attributes: must have SRC and ALT. SRC gives source file for image, e.g. SRC="picture.jpg". ALT gives brief description e.g. ALT="Picture of UB"
<LI> </LI>List item. Used within an ordered (<OL>) or unordered (<UL>) list
<OL> </OL>Ordered list. Includes <LI> List Items, which will be numbered automatically
<P> </P>Paragraph
<PRE> </PRE>Pre-formatted text. Means as you written between  <PRE> tag as its display by the browser
<S> </S>Strike-through text: i.e. like this phrase
<SMALL> </SMALL>Content appears as smaller-size text
<SPAN> </SPAN>A dummy element which contains in-line content. It is used with style sheets.
<STRONG> </STRONG>Text is emphasised strongly - usually appears in bold.
<SUB> </SUB>Subscript
<SUP> </SUP>Superscript
<TABLE> </TABLE>Table Creation
<TD> </TD>Table data cell. 
<TH> </TH>Table header cell. 
<TITLE> </TITLE>Title of document. This must appear in the <HEAD> part.
<TR> </TR>Table row
<TT> </TT>Monospaced type (useful for tables of figures)
<U> </U>Underline text. Use sparingly as it may be confused with hyperlinks
<UL> </UL>Unordered List. Includes <LI> List Items, which will be displayed in a list with bullets.

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