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Hardware is an essential component of any computer system. A computer is made up of several different components. All these components work together in order to produce desired result. The physical components of a computer which can be seen and touched are known as hardware of a computer system. Each of these parts are designed for a specific purpose. Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memory, Input / Output devices like mouse, keyboard, Monitor, CPU, Memory etc. are different hardware components of a computer system. These hardware components are the building block of a computer.

Computer Case                                                                                                                                          

A computer case covers the computer circuitry. It is also known as cabinet, box, computer chassis etc. it is a box which contains different components of a computer like CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Power supply unit etc.

Computer cases are available in many different forms and sizes like desktop cases, full-size tower cases, mini tower cases etc. ATX is the most popular form factor used for desktop computer these days. Computer case includes input/output ports and power buttons. Motherboard is a main component placed inside the computer case. The power supply unit is also attached with the case. A power supply unit is responsible for providing power to other components of a computer.

Central Processing Unit

Central Processing Unit (CPU) is considered as one of the most important component of a computer system. It is also known as the brain of a computer. The main function of a CPU is to execute a series of instructions called as program in a specific sequence. Normally there are four steps that all CPU use in order to perform their operation these are: fetch, decode, execute and output.

CPU contains Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit(CU). ALU and CU are jointly known as the central processing unit (CPU). The ALU of a computer performs all the arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and also all the logical decisions are made by the ALU.

Control Unit (CU) is the unit which manages and coordinates the entire operation of a computer system. It controls the operation of the other components of a computer system.


Motherboard holds some of the most important component of the computer system. It is also known as system board, main board etc. in a typical computer microprocessor, main memory and other components are connected to the motherboard. It acts a s a base for other components. Motherboard also provides connectors for several other devices. A motherboard allows many different parts of our computer to receive power and communicate with one another. The shape , size and layout of a motherboard is called a form factor. The Motherboards usually provides the interface between the CPU memory and input/output peripheral circuits, main memory, and facilities for initial setup of the computer immediately after power-on. 

The below is  a brief description about some parts of a motherboard:

a)      ATX Power Connector: Advanced Technology Extended (ATX) power connector is used to connect computer's power supply to motherboard.

b)      AGP Slot: Accelerated Graphics Ports (AGP) is a point-to point channel which is used to attach a video card to a motherboard.

c)      CD-in header: At this CD drive is plugged in or connected .

d)      FDD Header: Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) header is used for Floppy drive. Now this slot is obsolete because floppy disks are outdated.

e)      HDD Headers: Hard Disk Drive header is used for connecting to hard disk .

f)       PCI Slots: It is used for connecting the PCI (Peripheral component interconnect) card.

g)      USB Headers: It is a group of pins to which an internal USB cable can be attached to provide extra USB ports. These ports are used for attaching external/auxiliary             devices such as pen drive, printer etc.

Video card

A video card is an expansion card , which is used to produce output images to a display in a monitor. Its main purpose is to generate graphical information. It is responsible for rendering the image on the monitor of a PC . It is also known as video adapter, display adapter or graphics card. A video card should be capable of displaying the best resolution supported by the monitor of the system. These days high performance video cards are available for gaming purposes which requires very high resolution. Video card consists of a circuit board which holds several components such as graphics processing unit (GPU), video memory, video BIOS etc. Video graphics array (VGA), Digital visual interface, high definition multimedia port etc are some of the common connection points used between video card and display.

Now-a-days, high performance video cards are available, which has higher visual capability. With increasingly popularity of computer games video cards became one of the most important parts of a computer. One disadvantage of this high performance video card is that consume high power. The amount of video memory in video card is one of the main considerations while opting for a video card. Advanced graphics port (AGP) and PCI-Express are the two commonly slots available which is used to connect a video card.

Check Your Progress

1.      True/False

(a)    A workstation is a high-end personal computer designed for technical or scientific applications.

(b)   Pentium Chip is one of the most popular processor brand.

(c)    ALU and CPU are jointly known as Control unit.

(d)   VGA stands for video graphics array.

(e)    One disadvantage of high performance video card is their high power consumption.

True    (b) True
(c) False
(d) True
(e) True

2.      Multiple Choice Questions

1.    (a)  Which of the following is not a part of computer motherboard.

AGP Slot
                         (ii) ATX power connector          (iii) PCI Slot          (iv) Light pen
(b) Which of the following is a type of  personal computer
Tablet PC
                         (ii) Net book                            (iii) Desktop           (iv) All of these
(c) Which one of these is not a hardware component of a computer.
Operating system                 (ii) Monitor
(iii) CPU                (iv) Video Card

Light pen
(b) All of these
(c) Operating system

3.      What is a PC? What are different types of a PC?

    PC stands for personal computer. It is a general purpose computer which is used for personal use. It is mostly suited for a single user and we can perform day-to-day         activities in areas such as education, office, business etc. It is used for computational, word processing, and data storage purpose among others.

     Types of PC

     Desktop computer, Laptop Computer, Netbook, PC Tablet etc are different types of a PC.

4.      How a laptop is differ from a desktop? Specify one configuration of a laptop.

           Although both laptop and desktop computers are personal computers but the main characteristics which separates both is their portability feature. A laptop is a portable      device which can be used anywhere by the user whereas a desktop is not a portable device. It has to be fixed as a given location and can be operated there. Also their        looks and sizes make them different from each other.

          Configuration of a Laptop

           Processor: Intel Core™ i5-2410M

           Memory: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz memory

     Hard Disk: 640GB HDD (5400rpm)

5.      What is the need of a motherboard in a computer? List some major components of a


     Motherboard holds some of the most important components of the computer system. It acts as a base for these components. It is also known as system board, main         board etc.In a typical computer microprocessor, main memory and other components are connected to the motherboard. Motherboard also provides connectors for               several other devices.

        Some major components of a motherboard are:

i)        ATX Power Connector

ii)      AGP Slot

iii)    CD-in header

iv)    PCI Slots
      v)  USB Headers

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