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Working with XP and management

Working with XP

i)   Desktop
The typical Windows XP desktop includes following desktop icons

Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders, programs, and other items. Double-clicking a desktop icon starts or opens the item it represents. For e.g. Internet Explorer. It is used to quickly access Internet.

The Taskbar is usually located on the bottom of the screen. It houses the Start button, clock, and a task button for each active program currently running and each open folder.

ii) Parts of a window

Most windows have the same basic parts:

  • Title bar. Displays the name of the document and program (or the folder name if you're working in a folder). 
  • Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons. These buttons hide the  window, enlarge it to fill the whole screen, and close it, respectively (more details on these shortly).
  • Menu bar. Contains items that you can click to make choices in a program. See Using menus, buttons, bars, and boxes.
  • Scroll bar. Lets you scroll the contents of the window to see information that is currently out of view.
  • Borders and corners. You can drag these with your mouse pointer to change the size of the window.

a)   Moving a window

To move a window, point to its title bar with the mouse pointer . Then drag the window to the location that you want. (Dragging means pointing to an item, holding down the mouse button, moving the item with the pointer, and then releasing the mouse button.)

Changing the size of a window

  • To make a window fill the entire screen, click its Maximize button  or double-click the window's title bar.
  • To   return   a
maximized   window   to   its   former   size,   click
its Restore button
(this appears in place of the Maximize button). Or,

double-click the window's title bar.

  • To resize a window (make it smaller or bigger), point to any of the window's borders or corners. When the mouse pointer changes to a two-headed arrow (see picture below), drag the border or corner to shrink or enlarge the window.

A window that is maximized cannot be resized. You must restore it to its previous size first.

b)     Hiding a window

Hiding a window is called minimizing it. If you want to get a window out of the way temporarily without closing it, minimize it.

To minimize a window, click its Minimize button. The window disappears from the desktop and is visible only as a button on the taskbar, the long horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen.

To make a minimized window appear again on the desktop, click its taskbar button. The window appears exactly as it did before you minimized it.

Closing a window

Closing a window removes it from the desktop and taskbar. If you're done with a program or document and don't need to return to it right away, close it.

To close a window, click its Close button.

c)      Switching between windows
  • If you open more than one program or document, your desktop can quickly become cluttered with windows. Keeping track of which windows you have open isn't always easy, because some windows might partially or completely cover others.
Using ALT+TAB. You can switch to the previous window by pressing ALT+TAB, or cycle through all open windows and the desktop by holding down ALT and repeatedly pressing TAB. Release ALT to show the selected window.

Arranging windows automatically

Now that you know how to move and resize windows, you can arrange them however you like on your desktop. You can also have Windows automatically arrange them in one of three ways: cascading, vertically stacked, or side by side.

To choose one of these options, right-click an empty area of the taskbar, then click Cascade Windows, Show Windows Stacked, or Show Windows Side by Side.

iii) Program Management

You can launch most of your applications via the Start button and Start Menu. Most of your applications can be launched by selecting Start, All Programs, then any program name, e.g. Microsoft Word. If an application is saved within a folder, you would launch it by selecting Start, Programs, folder name (e.g., Accessories), then program name (e.g., WordPad).

You can switch between running applications by clicking on them in the Taskbar or holding down the Alt key, then depressing and releasing the Tab key. If you inadvertently launch multiple copies of the same program, you will find that all the of copies will be grouped on to one particular Tab button. The Tab will display the name of the program and the number of copies of the program that are open. To choose a specific copy, click the Tab button and all of the copies of the program names will pop up. Click the one you want to view and it will be displayed

Similarly you can open other search engine like Google chrome & Fire fox explore whole world .

iv) File Management

Step by step illustration for Creating and deleting Folder :

  •  Click on the Start button.

  •  Place the pointer on My documents.

  •  Select New from the menu File.

  •  Select Folder.
  •  Once the folder option has been selected you will see that on the right window a new folder will appear that has the name New Folder and that it is selected.      Rename it My folder.or any other name you want.
  • Then select the folder, right click and then select option delete by clicking.
  • When    it    asks    you    if   you    want   to   send    the    folder   to    the Recycle Bin click Yes.

Copy or Move a Folder or file

  • Select the folder to be copied.

  • Once the folder has been selected, click on Copy.

  • Select the folder where you want to copy then open that folder , right click and select paste option.

In the case of not having the folder created to which we want to copy to,
click Make new folder,    rename new folder with name you want and Click OK.

Copy or Move Multiple Files or Folders

1.     Double-click on the folder My documents and create folder 1 and folder 2 .

2.     Select the folder ‗folder 1'

3.     Press CTRL , Select another folder ‗folder 2'

4.     Select from right panel under ‗file and folder task ‗heading ‗Copy the selected items' or ‗Move the selected items'

   5.    The following window will be open

6.  Then double-click the folder you want to move the selected items

7.    if you want to copy in new folder then select ‗ make new folder ‗ and new folder is created then select copy

This can also be done to move or copy Files.

Some Windows XP Tips

Check the Taskbar for the programs that are currently running on your computer. You should close (click on the X at the upper right) all duplicate instances of the same program to free up memory.

If your application should "hang" (keyboard or mouse does not respond), hold down the CONTROL and ALT keys, then depress and release the DELETE key. You will get a menu of the tasks currently loaded in memory. Highlight the application that hung (usually the one that is marked "not responding"), and click on End Task. You can usually unload the application gracefully without having to reboot your computer.

Files deleted from your local hard drive will be saved in the Recycle Bin until you empty the Recycle Bin. To empty the Recycle Bin, right click on Recycle Bin, and select Empty Recycle Bin. If you need to recover deleted files from the Recycle Bin, right click on Recycle Bin, and select Explore. You should move the file from the Recycle Bin to another folder on the hard drive (for example, click and drag the file in Recycle Bin, Explore to the desktop).

It's best to empty the Recycle Bin from time to time as deleted files saved in the Recycle Bin actually take up more hard disk space than if they were in a regular folder. But remember, once the Recycle Bin is emptied, you can NOT recover the deleted files. Also, files deleted from diskettes are not saved in the Recycle Bin.

Finding a "Missing" Document

If the document was created recently on your computer, launch the application you used to create it, and select File. Windows remembers the last nine documents you opened by default.

If you remember the file name or part of the file name but not its location, click on the START button, Search, and Files or Folders. On the menu on the left side, select All Files and Folders. In the Look In box, select (C:). In the All or Part of Name: box, enter the file name, and click Search. Windows will list all instances of the file if it finds any matches. If you know part of the file name, you can enter it in A Word or Phrase In the File: box.

Saving Documents

In Microsoft Word, the default location to save your document is the My Documents folder. To save your document in a different folder, click on the yellow folder with the up-arrow to browse one level up, on the left side click on the yellow folder with the * to get to your Favorites folders, or click the yellow folder with a yellow * on it (on the toolbar) to create a new folder. The Save In: box shows the current folder.

Note: if you use Corel WordPerfect, your default folder for saving documents is My Files. You may use either folder but it's best to create a folder for each project and save your documents in their corresponding project folder.

Check Your Progress 2

1.      Find out whether your PC has compatibility to install windows XP.

Windows Installing Procedure

This procedure demonstrates how to install Windows XP Professional. The procedure to install Windows XP home edition is very similar to the professional edition. Since Windows XP Pro is more advanced operating system, it will be used to demonstrate the installation procedure.

The best way install Windows XP is to do a clean install. It is not difficult to perform a clean installation. Before you perform the installation I recommend that you check Windows XP Compatibility List to ensure that your hardware is supported by XP. If your hardware is not on the compatibility list you can check your hardware manufactures website to download the drivers for Windows XP. Save all the necessary drivers onto floppy disks or CD before you start the installation.

2.      Practice and install Windows XP in your PC.

       Try it yourself.

Check Your Progress 

1.      Organize your Desktop icons by name then change the Desktop theme also
      The computer has a clock located on the right side of the task bar.
       You can also check and modify the properties of the clock with the dialog box that appears next. It appears as you double-click on the clock        on the task bar.
To change the Date follow these steps:

       1)          Double-click on the clock on the task bar to open the dialog box.
      2)          To change the month, place the pointer on the month box and click with the mouse on the arrow to the right. A list with the months will be              displayed. Select the appropriate month.

      3)           To change the year, place the pointer on the year box and with the arrows you can change the year.

      4)            To change the days select it on the calendar that appears.

     5)          Click Apply and OK

To change the Time do the following:

1)          Place the pointer on the clock.

2)         To change the time select the time digits with the arrows to the right and adjust to the necessary time.

3)          This same process must be done with the minutes and seconds.

2.      Your desktop is showing date ―Wednesday, may 22, 2011‖ and time ―11:48 AM‖ now change it to present date         and time.

     To create a desktop shortcut for a default folder such as My Computer and My Document:

     1.      Click on the start button
     2.     Right click on My Computer or My Document on the right panel of the start menu

          3.    Click on "Show on Desktop" just like it shows on the picture.


3.      Create shortcuts for MS-Word.

      To create a program desktop shortcut:

           1. Click on the start button

           2. Select "All Programs"

            3. Select and right click the program you want place on the desktop

            4. Select "Send To" from the displayed menu

            5. Click on "Desktop (create shortcut)"

     4.        i)  Create new folder rename it as ―Lab1‖.

ii)    Create new ms-word document. Type a paragraph on ―computer operating system ―and save it as ―session       3‖

iii)      Ask your friend to search document ―session 3‖

      Try it yourself

5.        How can you remove an item from the Start menu or from a Program menu?

     Click on the Start button and choose Control Panel Click on Add or Remove Programs option, a window will display with the three basic options shown      on the left side of the picture as it appears below. Then click on Change or Remove Programs.

6.      Search Calculator, notepad, paint.
     Click on the Start button and choose Search button and type Calculator /notepad / paint. It will open the respective application.

7.      Where the pen drive is connected?

8.      How will you install extra ram in your computer.

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