NEWS & UPDATES >> BCA BCSP064 Synopsis & Project Work Started for DEC 2017, IGNOU MCA MCSP060 Synopsis Work Started for DEC 2017, CONTACT 4 IGNOU Mini Project


b) Explain the mechanism of taste perception.
ANS- The taste buds are stimulated by certain ions and compounds present in the food. Cations like Na+ present in the inorganic salts evoke the salty taste and those like H+ present in the acids evoke a sour taste. Organic compounds like sugars, dextrins, glycerol, saccharine, etc. result in sweet taste and those like nicotine, morphine, caffeine, quinine, etc. result in bitter taste.
The chemicals present in food dissolve in the saliva and enter the taste buds through the pores. Once inside, they stimulate the taste receptor cells. This stimulation is transmitted through the nerve fibres as electrical impulses. The nerve fibres of the taste receptor cells become part of the facial, the glossopharyngeal and the vagus nerves. These nerves pass through the brain stem. The sense of taste is perceived in the taste centre of the cerebral cortex of the parietal lobe of cerebral hemisphere.

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